
10 Tips | How to Deal with Picky Eaters While Traveling


10 tips to cope with picky eaters when you travel

How to Deal with Picky Eaters

Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also present challenges, especially when you’re traveling with a picky eater. Whether you’re exploring new cuisines or dining out at unfamiliar restaurants, catering to the preferences of a picky eater can require some extra planning and patience.

In this guide, we will provide you with ten detailed tips on how to deal with picky eaters while traveling. These tips will help you ensure that your picky eater is well-nourished and can enjoy their culinary experience while still embracing the adventure of travel. Let’s dive in and discover how to make your journey a smooth and enjoyable one for everyone involved.

Plan Ahead

One of the keys to successful meals while traveling with a picky eater is to plan ahead. Research your destination and identify restaurants or cafes that offer a variety of child-friendly options. Look for menus with familiar foods that your child enjoys. This will provide you with peace of mind and make mealtime less stressful.

Involve the Child

Empower your child by involving them in the decision-making process. Let them choose a restaurant or a specific dish from the menu. When children have a sense of control and ownership, they are more likely to be open to trying new things. By giving them a say in the matter, you can encourage their participation and make the dining experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Pack Familiar Foods

Pack a selection of familiar foods that your child loves. This will serve as a backup plan in case you can’t find suitable options at your destination. Snacks like granola bars, crackers, or dried fruits can provide quick and easy alternatives when your child is not willing to try local cuisine. However, it’s important to strike a balance and encourage them to try new dishes alongside their familiar favorites.

Explore Local Markets

Visiting local markets is an excellent way to introduce your child to new flavors and ingredients. Encourage them to browse through the vibrant stalls and choose fruits or snacks that catch their attention. Engage with local vendors, who can often offer unique insights into regional cuisine. Exploring markets not only exposes your child to different foods but also creates memorable experiences.

Choose Child-Friendly Restaurants

When selecting restaurants, prioritize child-friendly establishments that offer a range of options suitable for picky eaters. Look for places with flexible menus, where you can customize dishes according to your child’s preferences. Many restaurants also provide children’s menus, which feature familiar dishes such as pasta, chicken nuggets, or grilled cheese sandwiches. Additionally, opt for restaurants with a relaxed atmosphere that can accommodate families with children.

Be Creative with Presentation

Sometimes, the way a dish is presented can make it more appealing to a picky eater. Get creative with the presentation by arranging food in fun shapes or creating colorful patterns. For example, use cookie cutters to shape sandwiches or fruits into interesting forms. By making the food visually appealing, you can pique your child’s curiosity and increase the likelihood of them trying new things.

Allow Small Treats

While it’s essential to encourage your child to try new foods, it’s also important to be understanding and allow some leeway. Allow small treats or snacks that your child enjoys as a reward for trying new dishes. This can motivate them to step out of their comfort zone and make the dining experience more positive. However, ensure that these treats are balanced with nutritious options to maintain a healthy diet.

Set Reasonable Expectations

When dealing with a picky eater, it’s crucial to set reasonable expectations. Understand that they may not enjoy every meal or embrace every new flavor immediately. Patience is key. Don’t force your child to eat something they genuinely dislike, as it may create negative associations with food. Instead, encourage gradual progress and celebrate small victories along the way.

Encourage Food Exploration

Encourage your child to explore the local cuisine by starting with small bites and gradually expanding their palate. Suggest they try at least one new food item each day. Engage in conversations about the flavors and textures they experience, fostering a sense of curiosity and adventure. By gradually exposing them to new tastes, you can expand their food preferences over time.

Lead by Example

Children often imitate the behaviors and attitudes of their parents or caregivers. Set a positive example by being open-minded and willing to try new foods yourself. If your child sees you enjoying a diverse range of dishes, they are more likely to follow suit. Embrace the culinary adventure together, and let your enthusiasm for trying new foods inspire them.


Traveling with a picky eater can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it can also be an opportunity for growth and discovery. By planning ahead, involving your child, and being creative, you can create a positive dining experience while exploring new destinations. Remember to set reasonable expectations, encourage food exploration, and lead by example. With time, patience, and a dash of creativity, you can help your picky eater develop a more adventurous palate and make mealtimes an enjoyable part of your travels.

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Picky Eaters FAQs

When traveling with a child with food allergies or dietary restrictions, research the local cuisine and communicate your needs to restaurants in advance. Carry allergy medications and snacks that comply with their dietary requirements to ensure their safety and well-being.

While it’s natural for children to have cravings for junk food, it’s essential to strike a balance. Offer healthier alternatives that resemble their preferred snacks, such as homemade baked goods or healthier versions of their favorite treats.

Make mealtime enjoyable by involving your picky eater in meal preparation or planning. Create a positive and relaxed atmosphere during meals, and engage in conversations about food. Avoid power struggles and focus on fostering a healthy relationship with food.

In most cases, picky eating is a temporary phase and does not lead to long-term negative effects. However, it’s important to ensure that your child receives a balanced diet and the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your child’s nutrition.

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